Hey Lisa,
I really don't think that Avigail's birth could have been more perfect. Yahweh is SO faithful! As I thought of her birth during my stay at the hospital this thought kept coming to me - "Yahweh will use Birth to push us to our limits - but not past them." I guess that I shouldn't be amazed how Yahweh uses birth to show us our weakness, our strengths, and how incredibly faithful He is.
It was strange because even though I was asking for pain relief some how I knew I wasn't going to get it. In my head, I kept thinking "just because you want something doesn't mean you're going to get it".
Thanks SO much for being there with us! Your calm spirit really made the labour and delivery so wonderful. I truly hope that every woman would have someone like you to share in their birth experience. Oh, how ideas of birth would change from the stereotypical ideas we have here in North America!
Avigail has been adjusting nicely. We had a rough first day home - but now she's into a nice routine. She is calm and content. She's sleeping beautifully - she gave me two 3-hour stretches of sleep last night. Another answer to prayer!!!
I guess the only thing that I may have changed was the attitudes of the medical staff during the delivery - and more "hands off" from the perineum from Dr. --- (OUCH!). I had absolutely no fears as I was pushing her out. I knew that her heartrate was fine. And, I probably could have avoided a few stiches if I'd been left to push her out on my own timing. But, I'd rather take the stiches than have them put the heart monitor on her little scalp.
Thanks again, Lisa! Our family has been so amazingly blessed by Yahweh through you. It's amazing how He brought you into our lives with such perfect timing!
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