Baby Sign Language
Join me for this fun and interactive program using stories, songs, finger plays and rhymes that will help you and your child communicate through Sign Language before your child can speak. For Ages birth – 2 years
Tuesdays, April 28, 2008 (6wks); 10:45 -11:45
Located at Buttons ’n’ Bows
$60 (handouts included)
Rhythme & Rhymes
Give your child a head start on language development and social interaction
Please join me in this interactive, family oriented and fun filled class of rhyming and story telling and action verses for children up to 18 months, & 18 months to 3 years
Enjoy this opportunity to:
Meet other parents with children the same age
Give your child a chance to interact with other children his/her age
Give your child a chance to experience a semi structured environment
This program will focus on using rhythm and rhyme to interact with your childOffer movement that will use fine and gross motor skills
This class uses rhymes, finger plays, songs and a few stories with some explanation on how they can be used at home. These explanations relate to dressing, bathing, feeding, bed time and in general, how to calm a child or just play with them
’n’ Bows Boutique Thursdays, April 23, 2009 (4WKS)
Birth to 18 mo: 10:45-11:45 am
18 mo – 3 yrs: 9:45 – 10:45am
$25 per family
Please call Tracy at 477-1097 for more information. Or email